Union Assistance
Local shop stewards are the first point of contact for members who are experiencing
Membership Information
CEIU Member Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (How sign member card, update contact information, transfer local, etc.) If you have questions about a potential strike please register for a PSAC strike course. No CEIU member will be left behind (national strike fund) Strike pay is not taxable.
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]
Read more2023 CLC Pacific Winter School and CCT
TO: All CEIU BC/YT Members in good standing
FROM: Sargy Chima, NVP BC/YT
SUBJECT: Call for applications to 2023 CLC Pacific Region Winter School
This is a call for interest in attending the 2023 CLC Pacific Region Winter School which takes place over five weeks from January 15 to February 17, 2023 in Hot Springs, BC, from January 15, 2023 to February 17, 2023. Each week runs from Sunday to Friday. The registration deadline is December 15, 2022.
CEIU BC/YT provides two full scholarships to the CLC week of the successful applicant’s choice.
All members in good standing are eligible to apply.
Please complete a Conferences Convention and Training form in order to be considered.
Please submit your application to the Regional Union Office, [email protected] and CC [email protected] by NOON, Thursday, December 8, 2022. Applications will be reviewed by the CCT Committee and the successful applicants will be notified by December 14, 2022.
Please note that applicants are also encouraged to apply for other funding.
- PSAC BC subsidy
Deadline to apply is November 25, 4:00 p.m. PST. -
Frank Wall Leadership Development Scholarship for Week 1 or Week 4.
Deadline to apply is December 1, 2022. -
Community Savings Credit Union Scholarship
Deadline to apply is December 2, 2022.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at (604) 807-4943 or [email protected] if you need more information.
Thank you for your participation.
In solidarity,
Sargy Chima
2023 CLC Pacific Winter School
TO: All CEIU BC/YT Members in good standing
FROM: Sargy Chima, NVP BC/YT
SUBJECT: Call for applications to 2023 CLC Pacific Region Winter School
This is a call for interest in attending the 2023 CLC Pacific Region Winter School which takes place over five weeks from January 15 to February 17, 2023 in Hot Springs, BC, from January 15, 2023 to February 17, 2023. Each week runs from Sunday to Friday. The registration deadline is December 15, 2022.
CEIU BC/YT provides two full scholarships to the CLC week of the successful applicant’s choice.
All members in good standing are eligible to apply.
Please complete a Conferences Convention and Training form in order to be considered.
Please submit your application to the Regional Union Office, [email protected] and CC [email protected] by NOON, Thursday, December 8, 2022. Applications will be reviewed by the CCT Committee and the successful applicants will be notified by December 14, 2022.
Please note that applicants are also encouraged to apply for other funding.
- PSAC BC subsidy
Deadline to apply is November 25, 4:00 p.m. PST. -
Frank Wall Leadership Development Scholarship for Week 1 or Week 4.
Deadline to apply is December 1, 2022. -
Community Savings Credit Union Scholarship
Deadline to apply is December 2, 2022.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at (604) 807-4943 or [email protected] if you need more information.
Thank you for your participation.
In solidarity,
Sargy Chima
Women's Day Draw
The Women's Committee Women's Day draw winners are:
Local |
20951 |
710084 |
10087 |
20943 |
389537 |
10934 |
20961 |
571862 |
10338 |
20975 |
1181850 |
10337 |
20956 |
185908 |
10332 |
20914 |
781162 |
10643 |
2022 CLC Pacific Winter School
TO: Members in Good Standing, CEIU BC/YT Region
FROM: Sargy Chima, CEIU NVP BC/YT Region
In accordance with Regulation #3 of the Regional Bylaws, this is to advise you that the region is now accepting applications for funding to attend the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Winter School (brochure)
If you are interested in attending please complete the Funding Application Form and send the form to [email protected] by Monday, November 29, 2021. Successful applicants will be notified by email in early December.
In solidarity,
Sargy Chima
National Vice President, CEIU BC/YT
[email protected]
NVP BC/YT Sargy Chima
To: Local Members, CEIU BC/YT
From: Sargy Chima, CEIU NVP BC/YT
Hello ,
My name is Sargy Chima. I am the region’s first South Asian racially visible woman to be elected as your National Vice-President (NVP) for the Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU) in the British Columbia and Yukon Territory region (BC/YT.)
Read more
CEIU National Newsletters
CEIU National Newsletter: From the Ground Up is available online
Deadline Submit Resolutions to 2020 CEIU Convention extended
CEIU extended the deadline date to submit resolutions to the CEIU National Office from March 27th, 2020 to May 1st, 2020.