HRRR Committee

BC/YT HRRR Committee

Chair - Aly Kanani


The Regional HRRR committee champions human rights and race relations for all members. Their mandate is to empower our members through education, awareness, promotion, & advocacy on issues related to HRRR. They are responsible for identifying and engaging members on HRRR concerns, to promote and foster a positive and safe environment, and to lobby the union, employer and government at all levels on HRRR issues.


Committee Members for the 2023-2026 Term and their respective portfolio: 

Aly Kanani – Chair LGBTQ+ (male)
  LGBTQ+ (gender neutral)
Vacant LGBTQ+ (female)
Paven Dhaliwal Racially Visible (female)
Vacant Racially Visible (male)
Kelly Megyesi Members with Disabilities/Access (female)
Vacant Members with Disabilities/Access (male)
Rod Cunningham Indigenous (male)
Deb Foster Indigenous (female)


The CEIU BCYT Human Rights and Race Relations Committee met in Victoria from October 22-23 2017. 

The committee meetings are extremely productive, and we are excited about several initiatives that are coming together.

Soon, the committee will have developed short presentations and reference material for local engagement and education, with new presentations being created and added regularly.

Sub-committees were also created to handle finances and to update the Terms of Reference of the committee.

We discussed strategic planning, a new HRRR logo, social justice, gender pronouns, and the report of NVP - HR/RR Sebastian Rodriguez to the National Executive was presented.