District Coordinator Duties



1. Responsible to all presidents/members in their District for advice, guidance and assistance in matters pertaining to Complaints and Grievances up to the stage of actual filing of same.


2. Responsible for being aware of any training needs in the district and promote these to the Regional Training Committee for resolution, either by organizing district training, or by referring the members to PSAC training, another districts training, or training on an individual basis


3. District Coordinators should attend all local membership meetings when invited to attend. If s/he is not available the alternate should attend


4. Responsible for all local executives’ adherence to CEIU By-laws and Regional By-laws and Policies.


5. Responsible for ensuring all locals in the district submit an adopted, audited financial statement to National CEIU yearly and to follow-up with those who do not.


6. Responsible for ensuring that s/he works with Local Presidents to ensure that all locals have a full slate of elected officers and shop stewards. Further, to inform the NVP if there is a problem


7. Responsible for locals’ Election of Officers as provided in By-laws if invited to the meeting.


8.Responsible for staying in contact with the Local Presidents in the geographic area on a regular basis and to become aware of the issues facing the members in each local .


9. Responsible for passing on to each local all communications received from Regional or National


10. Responsible for organizing, when the regional finances permit, one district meeting at which all local presidents or alternates, the district women's coordinator or alternate; the NVP or alternate will be invited. This meeting should be held in the district; all costs are covered by the Regional CEIU budget.


11. The District Coordinator is, in most cases a part of the union management process and as such must know the issues in the district and must communicate these to management at the union management meetings. It is important that the District Coordinator represent the views of the members in the district not personal views.


12. Responsible for completing a written report on all acti­vities within their District for each annual President Conference.


13. Responsible for ensuring all locals in the district belong to their local area council if the membership chooses. The dues are paid by National CEIU.


14. Take advantage of any PSAC Training being given - LOAT, UDP, etc.


15. Responsible for up-to-date information on outstanding collective bargaining contracts and passing information to local Presidents.


16. The District Coordinator MUST keep information from Local Presidents and local members confidential. S/he must not share this with anyone, including the NVP or other REC members without the permission of the member involved. If the District Coordinator seeks assistance from the NVP s/he cannot name a member without permission.


Communication Process

  1. Local Presidents take concerns to District Coordinator to be dealt with as unsuccessful at local level; the District Coordinator may intervene if it is appropriate or they may communicate with the NVP. If unsure they should always talk to the NVP. 
  2. District Coordinator take concerns to NVP if the issue cannot be resolved or if
  3. The issue is of a generic nature, they provide all documented information for the concerns. 
  4. NVP takes issues to Senior Management when appropriate; this will only be done with the permission of the members involved unless the issue is generic.
  5. NVP takes issue to the CEIU National through the National President if the issue is political and needs intervention or action from this level.
  6. CEIU National may pass an issue to PSAC National or mount a union campaign if the issue affects enough members.